- 'Woody,' 'spicy' and 'sweet': Smell of ancient Egyptian mummified bodies reveals new insights into embalming practices
- Nanoparticles successfully deliver genetic material to plants via roots
- Researchers surpass silkworm silk by taking a holistic approach
- Mighty marine fungi degrade plastic by eating it, and can be conditioned to do it faster
- Carbonate-dissolving microorganisms could be key to sustainable bioenergy
- Newest version of cell-mapping tool can spot boundaries even in cloudy conditions
- Greetings from the fourth dimension: Scientists glimpse 4D crystal structure using surface wave patterns
- Divorce can be predicted by interactions between cultural and personal values, study finds
- Why asteroid 2024 YR4 is unlikely to hit Earth in 2032 and how scientists keep track
- What causes mudslides, and what can be done to lessen the danger?
- Korean team unveils fine structure of magnons for neuromorphic devices
- New study of effect of CCTV cameras on crime in Newark, NJ, highlights value of longer-term evaluations
- Genetic study of Greenlanders reveals variants specific to their culture
- Developmental biologists discover how a critical protein shapes gallbladder formation
- Five ways humans have scuppered the love lives of animals